Severe chronic pain and other diseases can be helped and even cured, often with just one treatment, by treating the cause (without drugs, x-rays, injections, acupuncture, manipulation, or surgery). |
This essay presents what may be a breakthrough in the treatment of pain and other diseases. The paper will define what pain is, explain how the body heals pain, describe a new procedure for treating pain, and then verify the method with case studies from more than 13,000 treatments. |
Doctors have been trying for more than 200 years to find out what causes pain without ever learning what pain is. If we don't know what pain is, all we can do is suppress symptoms and hope the body heals itself. |
We give medications that only mask the pain, suppress vital functions, or cause gastrointestinal bleeding. If we can't find anything wrong, we imply that the pain is in the patient's head or tell them they will have to learn to live with the pain. Others are sent to surgery or endless therapy that costs astronomical sums. After all this, the patient may be in worse pain than before we started. |
Everyone knows that injury causes pain, but what is the cause of pain when there has been no injury? Pain may continue long after an injury takes place. Why does it still hurt? What exactly is pain? How does the body heal pain? (Knowing that every cell is a tiny chemical/electric generator connected electrically to other cells, is necessary to answer these questions.) |
We are aware of the sensation of touch because cells are pushed closer together. This decreases the electrical resistance between cells. Decreasing the Electrical resistance increases the flow of electricity to the brain. The increased flow of electricity is what tells us we have been touched. |
When something hits us, it sends a quick burst of electricity to the brain. If pain continues after the blow, it is because tissue has been damaged and electrical connections between cells have been broken. The brain senses the injury because of a signal from the damaged tissue to the brain. The pain signal, however, is not the pain. What the pain is, is broken or suppressed electrical signals between cells in the injured tissue. |
What about pain that is not caused by an injury? Degenerative diseases, dehydration, inflammation, infection, ulcers, tumors, lack of minerals, spontaneous fractures, allergies, etc. may also cause the electrical circuits to fail. Whether it is the breaking the electrical circuits from an injury of the failure of electrical signals for other reasons, the signal to the brain is the same. Both are interpreted as pain. |
The failure of electrical connections between cells (blockage of "chi") is not only the cause of pain but the cause of all degenerative diseases according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. The theory is not so incredulous when we know that the brain works electrically and that we are "brain dead" when there is no more elctricity going across our brain. All cells will die or become degenerate if electrical signals are broken or suppressed. |
If pain is the breaking, suppression, or failure of the body's electrical circuits, how does the body heal pain? Pain is healed when the body reconnects the broken circuits. When we hit our thumb with a hammer, it hurts because electrical connections between the cells have been broken. It stops hurting when the body reconnects the broken circuits. This is the way the body heals pain - by finding and reconnecting the broken circuits that cause the pain. |
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