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The Electro Reflex Energizer

- History of Reflexology -

Overactive glands or organs can be helped to return to normal. Conversly, if an organ or a gland is underactive, Reflexology can help return it to its normally functioning level. It is important to note here that the normalization action of Reflexology is never one of the opposite extreme. In other words, once homeostasis or a normal condition is achieved, it cannot be unbalanced by working the area too much. Overworking can cause some minor reactions such as diarrhea or perhaps some nasal mucus being sectreted (runny nose). These reactions, though, are cleansing poisons from the body. Succinctly, Reflexology cannot harm a system, it simply brings it back into balance.
Reflexology embodies the relationship of the reflexes in the feet to all of the glands and organs in the body. Let's now discuss that relationship. Just how does one small area of the foot affect something like the pituitary gland? Just what is the link?
This is where Zone Theory becomes significantly important to every Reflexologist. The zones are like the wiring in a house; the reflexes travel through the zones similar to electricity through the wires. But please note that this analogy is not to be confused with the nervouse system in the body - reflexes as far as we know today, are not nerves.
The link from the feet to the organs and the glands in the body is a series of imaginary longitudinal lines, each encompassing a zone. In order to locate the zones accurately in the arms and hands, the thumbs need to be placed towards the body, the opposite of the anatomical position. Any sensitivity located in a specific area on the foot will signal to you that there could be congestion in that area.
It should become evident then, that by working the entire foot, you are affecting the entire side of the body, the left foot representing the left half of the body. It is important to remember another significant aspect of Reflexology - an abnormality in any part of the zone may affect anything in that zone.
The body is packed with vital organs and glands which are packed on top of everything else in the body. Start at the spine, the midline of the body, as a means of orienting yourself to the relationship between the foot reflex points and the organs of the body. Now, you have a reference point for each foot. Then use the waistline guideline for your horizontal or lateral marker. The most important body organs are located in four distinct quadrants.
The feet are a reflection of the body with all its glands, nerves and organs having distinct locations on the feet. Being sure that you are thoroughly familiar with this concept of location, makes the zone theory so much easier.
The simple reason is that if you can't work an area on the foot, you can work the corresponding area on the hand, or the elbow, etc. When there is a severe injury, say, a broken leg, you then simply select the corresponding area on the arm and work that area in order to help the circulation to the injured areas and ultimately hasten the healing process. The basic reason the Reflexologist uses the foot is simply because it is one of the most pampered and protected areas of the body, and is one of the most sensitive to touch. Also, the foot's resemblance to the body's outline makes it easy to visualize the body on the foot.
(Better Health with Foot Reflexology, the Ingham Method, Dwight C. Byers)
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