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The Electro Reflex Energizer

- Healing Pain -

Suppressing the pain signal with drugs is treating the symptom, not the cause. The medication only masks the pain and does nothing for the broken circuits that cause it.
How do you find and reconnect broken circuits? An instrument that measures electrical resistance can non-invasively detect where the circuits have failed. If the instrument also stimulates with the correct wave form, current and frequency, it is possible to reconnect the broken circuits. The Electro Reflex Energizer is a more discriminating method of electrical stimulation.
Everything I have said can be measured, quantified, and proven with simple electronic instruments on real patients. When there is pain, the part of the body that hurts always has more electrical resistance. This means the electrical signals between cells are suppressed. If you can restore the flow of electricity through the painful area, the pain will go away - often immediately. And if you can keep the circuits turned on, the pain will not return.
How do you maintain the flow of electricity ("chi" or "life force") so the pain does not return? Acupuncture can reconnect broken circuits. To keep the circuits turned on, Chinese Medicine provides another answer.
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