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The Electro Reflex Energizer

- Using the Electro Reflex Energizer -
Tips Fom Head to Toe To Improve Circulation
Sugar Novak

For the best conductivity, place a wet white paper towel on each foot pad. You may put three drops of biodegradable liquid soap on each foot, or you can use essential oils, any type of liquid oxygen, herbs, poultices, etc. This pulls the therapeutic effect into the body through the feet. The skin must be bare to get the full effect.
You Can:
1. Place feet on the foot pads of the machine.
2. Place the calves on the foot pads.
3. Place hands and wrists on the foot pads.
4. Place forearms on the foot pads.
5. It can also be used for the kidneys by putting it against a chair back and putting your back against it.
The two pads can be refurbished by putting some rubbing alcohol on each pad. The two pads can be moistened with the filtered water before applying to the skin.

Two pad method:
1. Place one pad on each shoulder.
2. Place one pad on the back of the neck and one pad on the shoulder.
3. Place one pad on the shoulder and one pad on the top of the wrist.
4. Place one pad on the biceps and one pad on the under part of the wrist.
5. Place one pad on the shoulder and one pad where the bra fastens.
6. Place one pad at the waist and one pad on the opposite side.
7. Place one pad at the waist and one pad at the hip.
8. Place on pad on the right hip and one pad on the left hip.
9. Place one pad on the hip and one pad on the leg.
NOTE: The foot pads and the electro pads cannot be used at the same time.
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