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The Electro Reflex Energizer & Stimulator!!!!

It is critical to keep the bowel moving freely, as the poisons dump into the bowel and kidneys for excretion from the body.
Swiss Kriss or Cascara Sagrada work great to move the bowel. Colon Hydrotherapy (colonic) is also recommended. Drink water before and after treatment. If you own the "Chi Machine" (Oxygenating Massager) it would be very beneficial to use it for at least 5 minutes after doing the Energizer. It will stimulate the bowel and help to remove the toxins from the body.
Drink lots of good purified water. DO NOT drink chlorinated water. Many times we find parasites, viruses, and yeast are in bottled water. Drink distilled water if you have to for a while. Do not drink ozonated water or distilled water long term. It will deplete the body of minerals. Use only glass bottles for your water as a virus can easily be in the plastic bottle.
Baking soda baths help to reduce the acid (aching or irritable) level in the body. As the toxins release, they create an acid state in the body. Use one cup of baking soda in a hot bath and soak for 30 minutes. Do once or twice a week or as needed. Relax and enjoy. This detox bath brind great relief to body and mind.
Babies with colic, small children, and pets can be treated while being held in your lap. Use low frequency during the treatment. For those who are bed ridden, hold the Energizer to the bottoms of the feet for a five-minute treatment. Use only low frequency on #1 mode.
Dr. Hulda Regher Clark's book "The Cure for All Cancer" tells about the "zapper." The Electro Reflex Energizer is a whole body zapper based on the same principle as Hulda's.
These statements have not been evaluated by Hsin Ten. They are strictly Linda's findings through positive and negative energy testing, and statements from others who have used the Energizer and reported to her.
Do not use if you have a pacemaker.
Give the Energizer a try and order one for yourself and family!!
The cost of the Electro Reflex Energizer is $450.00, plus shipping. Comes with a 14 day money back guarantee.
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