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It is a specific wave length of light from the sun. Among the rays coming from the sun, the FIR waves are the safest and the most beneficial.
What exactly is radiant heat? No need to worry - it has nothing to do with either ultraviolet radiation (which gives you a sunburn and damages your skin) or atomic radiation (the kind from a nuclear bomb). Radiant heat is simply a form of energy that heats objects directly through a process called conversion, without having to heat the air in between. Radiant heat is also called infrared energy (IR). The infrared segment of the electromagnetic spectrum is divided into three segments by wave length, measured in microns or micrometers (a micron = 1/1,000,000 meter); .076-1.5 microns = near or close; 1.5-5.6 = middle or intermediate; 5.6-1000 = far or long-wave infrared. The infrared segment of the electromagnetic spectrum occurs just below or "infra" to red light as the next lowest energy band of light. This band of light is not visible to human eyes but can be seen by special cameras that translate infrared into colors visible to our eyes. We can, however, feel this type of light which we perceive as heat.
Our sun produces most of its energy output in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Our atmosphere has a "window" in it that allows FIR rays in the 7-14 micron range to safely reach the earth's surface. When warmed, the earth radiates infrared rays in the 7-14 micron band with its peak output at 10 microns.
The sun is the principal source of radiant energy that we experience daily. Have you ever been outside on a partly cloudy spring day of about 50 degrees and felt quite comfortable until suddenly the sun was obscured by a cloud? Although the air temperature had not had time to drop, you felt chilled, as the cloud would not let the warming infrared rays through to reach you. The infrared heat in the Hot House is just like the heat from our sun or that which our own bodies produce as they burn fuel to keep us warm. These rays are selectively absorbed by the tissues needing a boost in their output. The internal production of infrared energy that normally occurs within our tissues is associated with a variety of healing resources. After boosting a tissue's level to maximum, the remaining rays pass onward harmlessly. This phenomenon is called "resonant absorption."
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