IMMUNE SYSTEM Pelvic infection
Post-surgical infection
Toe and fingernail fungus
Scleraderma (an autoimmune disease where collagen builds up and healing cannot take place because the circulation can't get to the area due to the buildup of the collagen)
Infrared energy appears capable of potentiating functions of white blood cells. More white blood cells means greater immune function and resistance to disease and viruses.
There is an immune response facilitated by the photons of the FIR technology that turns on the enzyme system, particularly the nitric oxide synthase enzyme. It is well established medically that this is the mechanism involved in the FIR technology.
PROBLEMS THAT OFTEN ACCOMPANY AGING Menopause Cold hands & feet High blood pressure Rheumatoid arthritis Radiation sickness Sequelae of strokes Leg ulcers Rheumatism Insomnia Benign prostatic hypertrophy Pain which affects ability to sleep Pain from a metal joint implant Speeds healing of joint implants Compression fracture pain
DISEASES OF ORGANS Duodenal ulcers Hepatitis Gastritis Cirrhosis of liver Hemorrhoids Asthma Bronchitis Crohn's Disease Post-surgical adhesions Cystitis Heartburn Nephritis Gastric and duodenal ulcers Stomach ache Gastroenteric Reduces density of uric acid Cholecystitis
EAR, NOSE, THROAT CONDITIONS Sore throats Earache Nosebleeds Tinea Chronic middle-ear inflammation & infection Tinitus - chronic, severe case cleared with 10 FIR treatments