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The Chi Machine Integrates The Brain & Body Continued...

The Laterally Integrated Brain
Too much attention and adulation has been accorded the gestalt or "right" brain in interpreting recent brain research. The gestalt brain's contribution to information processing and the proper functioning of the autonomic nervous system is undeniable. However, it is not an either/or situation as some learning systems might suggest. The gestalt brain's functions must certainly be recognized and developed for the realization of optimal potential; however, the gestalt brain has been given credit for what is actually the work of the integrated brain. We must remember that the gestalt brain alone is totally passive, receptive only, and without the ability to make discriminative responses and to express itself.
What most people have attributed to the "right" brain is really the result of back brain/front brain integration which takes place in the Common Integrative Area, a part of the "left" brain, not the "right" at all. The integrated person expresses himself from this language area. He knows who he is, believes what he is saying or doing, and expresses himself fluently. No performance, be it reading comprehension, painting, dancing, or other can belong to the performer until this level of integration is achieved.
The integrated person moves in space so that his spine, cranial bones and sacrum move together. This results in the flow of cerebral spinal fluid which nourishes and cools the whole brain from back to front. The homolateral person moves in more rigid, blocked or controlled patterns, often without breathing, which inhibits the integration process. The homolateral person functions mostly from the back brain. This is where incoming sensations are processed, motor activity generated by these sensations is initiated, and where analysis and storage of experiences take place. The homolateral person can learn and repeat material, often quite skillfully. However, the homolateral person is denied that true learning experience when something feels uniquely one's own.
Left brain/Right brain integration is indicated by the ability to cross the midline. Blockages affect the eyes, ears and the coordination of the whole body.
Top brain/Bottom brain integration is associated with the ability to center and ground oneself. Blockages affect over-energy and gait reflexes.
Back brain/Front brain integration allows for flow of cerebrospinal fluid and good ability to focus. Blockages affect the muscles and tendons in the back of the body and the common integration area of the brain.
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