(Far Infrared Rays)

An all-in-one beauty & health care system

Enjoy thermo-therapy while you sculpt the figure you've always wanted — feel terrific too!


A wide 160 degree heating surface greatly increases the radiation coverage and enhances its absorption. This unique design is the hallmark of the Health Builder.


Within the magnetic spectrum, while some rays, such as light, can be seen by the unaided human eye, most are totally invisible to us. Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are well beyond the ability of the naked eye to see. FIR is capable of penetrating deep into the human body. It can gently and delightfully elevate the body's temperature. When it does so, it helps to expand capillaries which stimulates blood circulation. This increases body's energy reserve, and accelerates the metabolic exchange between blood and body tissue. That's not all! FIR can actually increase the body tissue's regenerative ability. It also reduces abnormalitites in nervous system and helps the autonomous system function properly. Needless to say, now the FIR's outstanding properties are gaining worldwide recognition and acclaim, we are beginning to see it appear in a wide variety of medical applications.

The normal human body temperature is 98.6 degrees. Most of our body heat is typically radiated away as far infrared at the 8-10 micron wavelength. (That is why a room full of people becomes warm.) So, if we generate 8 -10 micron far infrared and direct it at a human body, it matches the radiant energy leaving the body and as much as 99 percent is absorbed below the surface of the skin. Through this principle of using complementary rays, the absorption of radiant energy stimulates the blood flow throughout your whole body and energizes your metabolism. Using far infrared rays form the complimentary 8-10 micron wavelength is best for the body's overall comfort.

While watching TV, while reading, while sitting, while stretching your legs, while using the Chi Machine – The Hot House Health Builder is for you!

For more information please visit HTE and use this ID: A105815.
Downloads: (right click on the link and choose save link as...)

Outline of the Properties, Benefits, and Improved Use of HotHouse (Far Infrared)
What is Far Infrared
Benefits of Far Infrared
Conroy Cooper: Therapist


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1610 E 200 S.
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
(801) 785-2711 FAX: (801) 796-0782
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